Zhang Ziyi Nude Beach Photos Exposed!

The Chinese Hollywood actress Zhang Ziyi and her financee Vivi Nevo were photographed lying on the beach of Saint Barthelemy with Ziyi topless and Vivi performing various ‘passionate’ act towards her. A total of 82 photos were taken and spread throughout the internet in countries such as Hong Kong, China and the US, causing a large amount of internet traffic, overloading servers in Hong Kong in less than one hour.Ziyi and Vivi have not replied to the recent spread of their photos around the net but Ziyi’s manager spoke out stating that they were merely just enoying time spent quietly between them.Zhang Ziyi featured in hit films such as ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,’ ‘Rush Hour 2,’ ‘House of Flying Daggers,’ ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’ and ‘The Banquet/Legend of the Black Scorpion’.

Azwan Ali Blog – Amboi..Amboi..Amboi…

Controversial host, Azwan Azli now has his own blog. This is very much a bitchin’ blog about all things related to the entertainment industry. Coming straight from the horse’s mouth.


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Lisa Surihani with Boyfriend Pictures

Lisa Surihani with boyfriend pictures leak into internet recently. Thank god, Lisa Surihani not doing “ehem-ehem” thing with her boyfriend in those pictures. However, I saw couple of liquor glass serving on Lisa Surihani table. Hopefully its not for Lisa Surihani.

(c) pictures credit to galvatron

Sari Yanti Will Marry Eddy Casmady in January 2009

Sari Yanti knows how to surprise people. This cute and young lady is set for a marriage with her long time boyfriend, EDDY CASMADY on 16 January next year. She broke the news to Kosmo!’s reporter when she visited their office yesterday. Sari and Eddy have been dating for close to 2 years now. The wedding reception is expected to be a very moderate one, to be held at Sari Yanti’s hometown, Kuala Pilah. I guess this is the end guys. But hope the marriage will last. From all of us here at Malaysia Celebs, we wish you all the best.

Fauziah Gous does NOT wear PANTIES?